Constitution, Bylaws, Policies, Procedures, Rules, and Tikanga
At Tokoroa Golf Club, we have developed a constitution, bylaws, policies, procedures, rules and tikanga pursuant to the fundamental lawful duties and obligations of an incorporated society.
It is a requirement of membership of the Tokoroa Golf Club Incorporated that those who are, or wish to be, members of the Tokoroa Golf Club Incorporated avail themself of all constitutions, bylaws, policies, procedures, rules and tikanga pursuant to the fundamental lawful duties and obligations of an incorporated society.
At Tokoroa Golf Club, we have developed a constitution, bylaws, policies, procedures, rules and tikanga pursuant to the fundamental lawful duties and obligations of an incorporated society.
See the existing risk and near miss register of the Tokoroa Golf Club Incorporated below pursuant to the fundamental lawful duties and obligations of the Club including those outlined in the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 and its subsequent amendments and regulations.
The risk and near miss register was last edited on or about Sunday the 24th of September 2023 and is the current risk register of the Tokoroa Golf Club Incorporated and its website.
It is a requirement of membership to the Tokoroa Golf Club Incorporated that members avail themselves of this risk and near miss register.